Mindpax Privacy Policy

Privacy and protection of personal data is very important to Mindpax. This Privacy Policy will tell you how we handle and protect your personal data and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) when you use Mindpax M2 Medical Device consisting of our mobile applications Miu.me or Sigma.me (the “App), the wristband for collecting activity data (the “Mindpax Sensor”) and our analytical system and share data with your clinician (“Virtual Clinic”) (together the “Medical Device”) in connection with using our service (the “Service”).

Who we are

This Privacy Policy applies to personal data processed by Mindpax s.r.o., Branická 26/43, 147 00 – Prague, Czech Republic, ID No.: 04153359 (further referred to as “Mindpax”, “we”, or “us”) as the data controller in connection with the use of the Medical Device by you (the “user”).

Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy are welcome and should be addressed through Data Protection Officer at dpo@mindpax.me .

App Data Processing at a Glance

When you register to use our App and Services, you have to confirm that you have read our Privacy Policy, and to consent to Mindpax to collect and analyze your health data in order to provide you with the Service. You will also be invited to provide your consent to voluntary processing options, such as participation in research activities and app development. You must be 18 years or older to use the App.

When you use the App, we process information that you input in the App during the set-up process and further supply during the use of the App through self-report questionnaires and in the case of Miu.me app also information about your activity collected through the Mindpax Sensor. The user data is sent to Mindpax and analyzed in order to provide you the Service.

Our analytical system includes automatic decision making. Data that you filled in the App and data gathered by the Mindpax Sensor processed and evaluated by our analytical system. As a result of this analysis, the system provides targeted feedback tailored to your state. These automatic functions are used to deliver you the Mindpax Services.

You may decide to share data from the App with your clinician. In such a case the clinician will gain access to the data collected by your use of the Medical Device and use such information for monitoring your health condition and/or clinical decision making support.

We also process information related to your user account, subscription, and when you report a problem with our Service. We are under a legal obligation to conduct monitoring of the quality and safety of the Medical Device, for which purpose processing of your personal data may be necessary.

The App uses access to your location for proper functioning of Bluetooth communication between the App and the Mindpax Sensor. Location is in use only when you use the App. The location data is not stored or further processed by us. If you do not use the Mindpax Sensor with the App, the App will not use your location.

Generally, we process your data for the purpose of provision of the Service until you request deletion of your account or when you delete your account. Your account and data will be deleted or irreversibly anonymized within 6 months. During these 6 months, your account will be frozen for your protection and you will still be able to restore your account.

Data about your Health

In order to deliver the Service, the App collects and processes data about you and your health. This includes general information about you, your diagnosis, medication, symptoms, life patterns, events, feelings, and activities.

Your data is further processed and analyzed to give you visualization and feedback on symptoms of your medical condition based on your diagnosis in order to support your management of the disease.

The processing involves automatic decision making based on your health data to deliver feedback on your symptoms and personalized content.

It is not possible to use the App without your consent to processing your health data as they are necessary for provision of the service.

You may also give us consent to use information collected during your use of the App for research purposes or for developing the App. In such a case your consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn anytime without any impact on our Service.

Automatic Decision Making and Profiling

Data that you input in the App and data collected from your use of the Mindpax Sensor may be used for automatic decision making within the meaning of Art. 22 of GDPR. Mindpax uses algorithms to evaluate data inputted in the App (including data from the Mindpax Sensor, when used) to deliver personalized content to you.

For affective disorders (Miu.me) the App creates a base-line from data collected during first months of use, this usually takes around 3 months. Then the App displays personalized psychoeducational suggestions depending on deviations from the base-line to help you manage your condition. The App also provides a calculated state of your symptoms.

For psychotic disorders (Sigma.me), the App uses data from early warning signs questionnaires to alert you about possible risk of relapse and adjust questionnaire period during the alert period.

Details of Data Processing

In this Section you will find details about what data we process and why and how we process them. The range of data collected through the App depends on your diagnosis, i.e. whether you use the App to manage an affective disorder or a psychotic disorder. Your height, weight, general information about your activity patterns such as employment or traveling between time zones is only processed if you use the App for affective disorders. Actigraphy data and data about the Mindpax Sensor is collected only if you are using the Mindpax Sensor.

If you use the App as a participant of a scientific research or study, there might be modifications to processing of your personal data. Please review documents you received regarding your participation from the organization conducting the research.

  1. When you register a user account

  1. Provision of the Service by the Medical Device

  1. Participation in scientific and clinical research

  1. Participation in app development

  1. Post-market surveillance and quality management

  1. Security and safety

  1. Customer support

Sharing personal data with your clinician

If your clinic, doctor or psychotherapist (the “Clinician”) is signed up with Mindpax you may decide to share your personal data with them. For the purpose of patient treatment by Clinicians, the Medical Device comprises of a monitoring system that provides the Clinician with continuous monitoring information of the user for long term disease management and treatment.

Data will be shared only with your approval. Each Clinician has a unique code. Ask your Clinician for the code and submit the code in your App. You will be required to verify the name of the clinic / Clinician before the sharing resumes.

When you decide to share your data with your Clinician, all data collected through the App and Mindpax Sensor will be made accessible to them.

Your Clinician is a separate data controller independent of Mindpax, and their processing of your personal data is subject to the control and responsibility of the Clinician.

You may stop sharing your data with the Clinician anytime. If you do so, the Clinician’s access to your data in Mindpax systems will be discontinued and their access to data that has already been shared will be blocked. Review your Clinician’s privacy information or ask your Clinician about the way they process your personal data.

What happens after expiry of subscription

If your subscription expires, the processing of your personal data will be limited. You will have access to your historic data and you will still be able to input some new data manually, however, the data will not be analyzed for the purpose for provision of the Service by the Medical Device.

If you renew your subscription, full range of processing activities will resume from the first day of the subscription period.

Location of your personal data

The personal data that we process about you is stored in the European Union on cloud servers of Amazon Web Services EMEA S.A.R.L. (“AWS”) with a business seat in Luxembourg.

Access to your personal data

We may engage reliable and trustworthy processors to process your personal data. You can find a full list of our processors at www.mindpax.me. All processors are bound by data processing agreements and the processing is conducted under our control.

Otherwise, we share your personal data with third parties only with your prior explicit consent. Such third parties may include, based on your consent, your clinic or clinician or our research partners.

We may further disclose your personal data in the event that we are required to do so by EU or member states’ legal regulations.

How long do we retain your personal data

Generally, we process your data for the purposes of provision of the Service until you request deletion of your account or when you delete your account. If your account is inactive for more than 36 months, we will contact you to check whether you wish to continue using our Medical Device. If you then leave your user account unused for another 3 months, we will delete your account. In this case, your account and data will be deleted or irreversibly anonymized within 1 month. During this 1 month, you may still request restoration of your account.

Otherwise, we will hold your personal data for as long as it is necessary or required by law or by any relevant regulatory body, and always in compliance with the data minimization principle. Specific storage periods for the respective processing activities are detailed in section 3 above.

If your personal data is used for more than one purpose, we will retain them until the purpose with the longest period expires, but we will stop using it for the purpose with the shorter period as soon as the shorter period expires. We restrict access to your personal data to the persons who need to use it for the relevant purpose(s).

We may retain data (incl. health data) in relation to your use of our Services for three or ten years in accordance with our business needs for the purposes of establishing, exercising or defending against legal claims.

If the processing of your personal data is no longer necessary for any purpose it is either irreversibly anonymized (and the anonymized data may be retained), or securely deleted.

Your rights

Under GDPR you have various rights in relation to your personal data. All of these rights can be exercised by contacting us via our contact form or by contacting the Data Protection Officer at dpo@mindpax.me. You can exercise your rights by contacting us - see www.mindpax.me. Some rights can also be exercised directly through the App.

Asking us to stop processing your personal data or deleting your personal data will likely mean that you are no longer able to use our Services, or at least those aspects of the Services which require the processing of the types of personal data you have asked us to delete, which may result in you no longer being able to use the Services.

Changes to this policy

Any changes we make to our Privacy Policy will be posted on Mindpax website and made accessible in the App. Where appropriate, we will notify you of the changes by email, in-App notification, or by any other available means.