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A life with bipolar disorder: 6 tips of complementary activities to support treatment of bipolar disorder
In the past years, the world as we used to know has changed significantly. Nowadays, we live in a rush and stressful conditions, which may dramatically affect our (mental) health. Approximately one-fifth of the population suffers from a mental illness such as bipolar...
Natural substances that help stabilize mood
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by extreme mood swings from time to time. There are episodes when you feel extraordinarily excited and exhilarated, but on the other hand, there are episodes of deep sadness and frustration. In some cases, these...
Mindpax won Baystartup
Mindpax won the business plan competition of Baystartup in Munich.
Seed Financing
Mindpax successfully closed the seed financing for further expansion and reimbursement of our bipolar & schizophrenia disease management system. 1,3 Millionen Euro Seed-Finanzierung für Mindpax
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